How long does purple shampoo last? It lasts until you stop using it

  • Purple shampoo will last on your hair if you use it regularly.
  • In other words, it doesn’t work if you use it just once. We would recommend sticking to the instructions.
  • If you don’t use it once or twice a week according to the instructions, the effects of the purple shampoo will disappear and the unwanted brassiness will reappear in your hair.


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We could say that purple shampoo is for color care. Its effects will disappear if you don’t use it regularly.

The purple shampoo fades with washes.


Therefore,  if you wash your hair with a regular shampoo after using the purple shampoo, the purple pigments that neutralize the yellowish tones will disappear. 

That is why you should choose a sulfate-free shampoo to alternate with your purple shampoo once or twice a week.


washing hair with purple shampoo

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So, let’s say you wash your hair with the purple shampoo today and don’t use it again for several washes. You can be sure that the neutralizing effects of the purple shampoo will be gone after around five washes or so.

The toning shampoos must be used regularly to maintain the effects.


This reminds me of a slimming treatment I did some time ago to fight cellulite on my legs.

I thought that with only one session with electrodes, massages, and treatments, I would say goodbye to cellulite forever.


Imagine my surprise when I was informed that fifteen sessions later, I’d see results. Also, I had to watch my meals and go to the gym.

Then, after the first fifteen sessions, I’d have to continue maintaining the treatment twice a month. Otherwise, the cellulite would appear again.

In other words, fighting cellulite was a long-term, expensive plan.


Fortunately, up-keeping the effects of the purple shampoo is much simpler and cheaper.

And for those effects to last, you’ll need a maintenance routine.


So, when I’m asked how long the purple shampoo lasts, my answer is: as long as you apply it to your hair.

  • If you wash your hair twice a week with this shampoo, the effects can last for months.
  • If you wash your hair only once with the purple shampoo, the pigments will fade after a few washes.


Therefore, purple shampoo isn’t for only one application. You must keep using it, or its effects will quickly disappear.

And this is basically due to the purpose of purple shampoo, which I’m going to tell you about next.

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Why you should keep using purple shampoo frequently to make it last longer

toning blonde hair

The purple shampoo forms a film of pigments that adheres to the outer layer of your hair and neutralizes the unwanted yellow undertones that appear after bleaching.

Does that color film last forever after washing your hair with purple shampoo for the first time?


No. That pigment film weakens and fades quickly when you expose your hair to damage.

The sun, chemical treatments such as color and bleaching sessions, and products with sulfates remove the pigments deposited by the purple shampoo in your hair after five washes.


 This is why you should use your purple shampoo frequently. 

Also, you want to alternate the purple shampoo with a regular sulfate-free shampoo.

Remember my treatment to fight cellulite on my legs?


To get the best results, I had to include a special care routine.

When you bleach your hair blonde, the same thing happens.


 You should use purple shampoo, take care of your hair after chlorinated water and sun exposure, and use sulfate-free hair products. 

Yes, it sounds exhausting. But I can assure you that when you include this daily care, you’ll quickly get used to it. And your hair will remain free of unwanted brassiness.


How do you extend the duration of the purple shampoo?

I’ll tell you about it below.


How to make purple shampoo last longer

purple shampoo

How long your purple shampoo lasts will depend on how often you use it.

This means that every time you wash your hair with this shampoo, you deposit more color and prevent unwanted yellow undertones.


Before buying the purple shampoo, you should learn about the product.

 Although all purple shampoos aim at neutralizing the brassiness, not all are used in the same way and with the same frequency. 


There are purple shampoos for frequent use, where the pigments are generally less potent, and purple shampoos to use once or twice a week.

  • So, the first step to guide you about the duration of the purple shampoo is to read the instructions.
  • And the second step is to alternate the purple shampoo with sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner.

Do you know what sulfates are?


They are the chemicals that generate the foam in your shampoo, i.e. sulfates are detergents.

Therefore, they damage hair color and can even damage your hair by dehydrating it and causing frizz.

Have you noticed that after several washes your color-treated hair is duller and the color fades?


 Sulfates are to blame for this. 

Products that contain sulfates may fade hair dye that is deposited in the hair shaft. So, they can also fade the purple shampoo, which is deposited on the outside of the hair.

To prevent unwanted yellowish tones from appearing, you should regularly wash your hair with sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner.


The day you wash your hair with the purple shampoo you should not use any other shampoo.

The rest of the days you wash your hair, use sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner.

  • If you use the purple shampoo three times a week, use sulfate-free shampoo for the remaining washes.
  • Alternatively, if you use the purple shampoo once a week, use sulfate-free shampoo for the remaining washes.


This way, you’ll extend the duration of the purple shampoo. Your hair will look ashy without unwanted yellows.



The duration of the effects of the purple shampoo will depend on how often you use it. This product is intended to be used as part of a care routine for bleached hair to prevent brassiness.

Therefore, for the effects of purple shampoo to last longer, you should use it at least once a week and alternate it with sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner.

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