Can you color your hair after a straightening treatment? And bleaching it?

dye after bleaching

The other day a girl wrote me asking if she could color her hair after a straightening treamtment.

Do you want to know how I answered her?


It is always best to color your hair two or three weeks after doing the straightening treatment.

Although it will also depend on the type of straightening treatment that you do and the type of dye that you use. I’ll talk about this further on.


This makes me think of a client.

Well, actually, I only attended to her one time, when she came to the salon to straighten her hair.

The truth is I don’t remember her name because to be honest, she was one of those clients that is better to lose than find.


Because, let’s be sincere.

 Just like there are good and bad stylists, there are good and bad clients.  

She was one of those clients that you want to disappear from the salon before they even come in.


First, after explaining to her for twenty minutes what a straightening treatment consisted of, which I did with pleasure because she has all the right to know what the treatment consists of, she took another thirty minutes to decide if she wanted to do it,

Once she decided and we started she made faces that seemed like I was ripping out each one of her hairs.

From which horror movie did that woman just come from watching?


When I finished the treatment, she was very happy with the results

Cuando terminé de realizarle el tratamiento, estaba muy contenta con los resultados.

She thanked me, she hugged me and she hugged me again. That girl was like a box of surprises.

Finally, before she left, I explained carefully everything she shouldn’t do to her hair for the first five days.


  • Meaning: DO NOT wash it
  • DO NOT pull it back with hair ties or clips
  • DO NOT tuck it behind your ears
  • DO NOT dye or bleach it.

I put a lot of emphasis on the last two Nos: DO NOT dye and DO NOT bleach your hair.


The next day, she came into the salon in a fury.

It seemed like she had foam coming out of her mouth. I had never seen such a scary transformation in a human before.

She yelled that I had tricked her, that the straightening treatment didn’t stick, she had her hair covered with a scarf and when she took it off, I realized what had happened.

She had colored her hair!


 Despite all of my recommendations, she had dyed and washes her hair, preventing the keratin from penetrating the cuticles of her hair completely.  

After an hour of explaining all her errors to her, she apologized, saying that she hadn’t remembered the advice that I had given her the day before before she had left the salon.


The truth is, I went through a pretty unpleasant moment and all because a client hadn’t listened carefully to what I had explained.

Have you straightened your hair and now you want to know if you can dye it or bleach it?


Then stay here, because I will tell you:

  • How much time to wait to color your hair after straightening it
  • If it is a good idea to bleach your recently straightened hair
  • How to care for your straightened hair to prepare it for the coloring


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How long should you wait to color your hair after a straightening treatment

mientras alisan su cabello while they straighten her hair

At the beginning of the post, I gave a general response about how long to wait to color hair after straightening it.

Having said that, and now entering into more specific territory, the times will vary according to the type of straightening treatment that you have done.


 Because a Japanese and keratin straightening treatment are not the same, basically because the chemicals that are used in each treatment are different.  

So, I’m going to tell you how much time you should wait according to your type of straightening.


Coloring your hair after a Japanese straightening

how long wait

This is a straightening treatment that changes the internal structure of the hair, meaning that the chemicals used penetrate the cuticle is the hair to change the curl structure.

That’s why it lasts longer than a keratin treatment.


 I recommend that you wait between four and five weeks to dye your hair, because if you don’t, you will run the risk of weakening it or damaging it. 

Remember that dyes also contain chemicals that tend to dry out and dehydrate your hair. .


Coloring your hair after a keratin treatment

Keratin is a protein . When we apply it to our hair, ehit acts like a film covering the external part of the hair.

If you apply color to your recently straightened hair, most likely, the dye won’t penetrate to the stalk of the hair.

So the only thing you will achieve is ruining the effect of the keratin, and you run the risk of the pigments from the dye sticking to your hair unevenly.

And surely that’s not what you want.


Because beyond whether you have done the straightening in a salon or in your house, it will have costed money.

Money and time, two things that in these times, almost nobody has to spare.

So the, how long should you wait to dye your recently straightened hair?


 I recommend that you wait at least three weeks.  

Because that way you don’t run the risk of the keratin being eliminated and the frizz coming back.

On the other hand, the chemicals won’t interfere with the objective of the keratin nor will the keratin interfere with the dye.

Now, if it’s in your plans to bleach your recently straightened hair, the story changed completely, and I would tell you to forget about it for the moment.

You don’t believe me?


Keep reading. When you finish reading, I’m sure you’ll change your opinion.


Why it isn’t a good idea to bleach your hair immediately after straightening

If you are thinking about bleaching your hair, I suppose that you know what bleaching entails.


It’s a chemical process that draws up the cuticle if the hair in order for the bleaching mixture to be able to strip out the natural pigments of the hair.

Stripping out the natural pigments also strips out thr proteind and keratin is a protein.


 So, if you do a bleaching treatment immediately, you’ll be canceling out thr straightening treatment.  

And also, you run the risk of ending up with burnt and ruined hair.


If you want to bleach your recently straightened hair, I recommend that you wait at least a month or a month and a half.

After all, if you straightened your hair, it’s becisde you want it to look smooth, healthy, and with out frizz, right?


How to care for your straightened hair to prepare it for bleaching

Now that you straightened your hair, and you know that you need to wait some time before coloring it or bleaching it, in thr meantime you can nourish it so that the dye or the bleaching mixture don’t end up getting ruined.


My advice is that once a week you do a deep hydration treatment.

This means that you use some type of mask; it can be one that you buy or one that has been prepared by you at home,

Organic coconut oil Works very well in these cases.

And you can even apply it the day before you color or bleach your hair because it won’t interfere with the color or the bleaching mixture.


 I also recommend that you incorporate sulfate-free shampoos into your hair care routine which don’t strip out the natural oils.  

I also recommend that you use it once you color your hair because other shampoos make the color fade faster.

aftercare so botox last longer

Check shampoo for straightened hair on Amazon


Once your hair is straightened and colored, pay attention to a few things.

Remember that I recommended that you use sulfate-free shampoos.


It’s also a good idea to  rinse your hair with cold water, or the coldest that you can stand.

Cold water seals the cuticles, retaining the natural moisture of the hair and the pigments of the dye.


Now you know how long you should wait to color or bleach your straightened hair.

Are you ready to wait or are you going to just ruin your straightening treatment?

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