I’ve always liked constantly changing my look.
This is something that makes me feel beautiful and it raises my self-esteem.
Because of this, I have dyed my hair an infinite amount of times.
I have dyed my hair all the colors possible and I love being able to do it.
Changing my look is one of my passions.
However, as consequence of these applications, my hair has suffered from weakening, dryness, and lots of wearing. This is something common in dyed hair due to being exposed to strong chemicals.
A close friend that has had this same problem with her hair recommended that I use apply cider vinegar.
At first, I wasn’t too convinced with this advice, because I thought that this product could damage the color of my hair.
But because of her insistence and the unfruitful search for a product that would help me rehabilitate my hair, I dared to try it, and I can assure you that it was a stupendous idea, the best one of all.
I’m the proof.
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Do you have dyed hair? This is what vinegar can do to your hair
After having used apple cider vinegar for a long period of time in my hair, I can say with complete confidence that this has been one of the best methods, possibly the best, that I have used to get my hair back to a much healthier state.
Before, I felt like my hair was difficult to manage, that it was not shiny and that every day it was more broken.
I thought that maybe I had come time to stop dyeing my hair for some time to give it back its vitality; however, I wasn’t happy at all about the decision, so I looked for other options.
Apple cider vinegar has been the product that works best to give my hair back its vitality.
- Now, it’s much more manageable, since it doesn’t have frizz. It’s strong and it has a shine that it hasn’t had for some time.
- Also, since the first time that I used vinegar in my hair, I felt much cleaner from my scalp.
- But that’s not all. With time, I noticed that my hair is much more abundant and tha the dye I was using had a much more intense color even though I had already washed my hair a few times.
Some people say that the vinegar tends to strip out the chemicals used in the hair, but I can give testimony that this is not true. Instead of seeing the tone fading in my hair, I just saw it much more alive.
Thanks to these results, I decided that I shouldn’t stop dyeing my hair and that in addition I would use vinegar to counteract the effects that the chemicals of the dye could have on my hair.
How to apply the vinegar on your hair correctly
Applying vinegar to your hair is pretty simple really, and it doesn’t require too much effort, nor too much time.
I did it the following way and it turned out perfectly:
- I used a 250mL cup of warm water and mix it with two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.
- Pour this liquid in a spray bottle.
- I washed my hair with shampoo that I usually use.
- After rinsing all the residues of the shampoo out with abundant water, I sprayed the mixture all over my hair, being sure to wet all my hair.
- I massaged my whole head a bit for about five minutes.
- After letting the vinegar sit in my hair for 10 minutes more.
- I washed the product out with a lot of water.
- I didn’t use any products after. I rinsed and didn’t use any products for combing.
At first, I did this process two times a week until I noticed that my hair was completely rehabilitated.
Now, I do it once a week to make sure that it was effective.
Conclusions: pros and cons of using vinegar in her hair
Some products or treatments for the hair can have more beneficial effects than others, but they all of pros and cons.
With respect to my experience with apple cider vinegar, I can name a few of the following:
- From the first use, I could feel an intense cleaning effect in my hair, which made me feel very comfortable and motivated to continue applying it.
- The smell of vinegar when I applied it on my hair was pretty strong, although not unpleasant. However, I didn’t have to put up with it for long.
- Immediately after my hair was dry after the first wash, I noticed that my hair was much shinier and that it was much more manageable.
- With time, I noticed that my hair was growing faster and that it as fuller. That was something that I didn’t expect, so it was a pleasant surprise.
- It has been one of the cheapest treatments that I have used, and not just as a treatment for my hair, but also in general for beauty. That means that I can use this method to rehabilitate my hair whenever I feel it’s necessary.
It’s pretty clear that the cons for using this treatment are few and the benefits are many. Due to this, my decision to keep using vinegar in my hair stands firm.
After using this treatment for some time, I feel like I don’t need anything else to keep my hair beautiful. The vinegar is a true natural and inexpensive secret to get the hair that we all want.
That’s why I recommend this treatment to all people interested in caring for their dyed hair.
I have no doubt that apple cider vinegar will work just as well for you as it has for me and you will be in love with the results.