- If you washed your hair this morning and you have a sensitive scalp or you’re going to touch up your roots, then I don’t recommend dyeing your hair the same day. I’ll explain why in a moment.
- Now, if you already washed your hair and you need to dye it urgently, and you don’t have a sensitive scalp, you could use an ammonia-free dye, which won’t irritate your scalp.
- If you washed your hair this morning and you want to get highlights, then you can dye your hair no problem, since your hair should be clean for this kind of color job.
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Yes, our grandmothers repeated it until we tired of hearing it: It is best to dye dirty hair. Careful, though, because our grandmothers were clean women, and didn’t mean that you should go 10 days without washing your hair.
In general, 2-3 days away from water and shampoo were enough.
But, times have changed and there are also many different ways to dye your hair, that when our grandmothers were as young and daring as us, didn’t exist.
What do I mean by that?
Well, in order to decide if it’s better to wash your hair in right before you dye it or not, you have to keep a lot of different factors in mind.
For example, which technique for coloring your hair you’ll use. Highlighting your hair isn’t the same as dyeing your whole head or just touching up your roots.
You should also keep in mind if you have a sensitive scalp or not, and how porous your hair is.
It seems like a lot, but it will actually be very simple after you read everything I have to tell you about. So, stick with me because I’ll explain:
- When you can wash your hair before you dye it in the same day
- If you have the kind of hair that you can wash in the morning and then dye later in the day
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When you can wash your hair before you dye it (on the same day)
When you wake up in the morning, you probably enjoy a nice shower to start the day with lots of energy and as a way to help yourself wake up.
And you might even wash your hair because you want to beat the fizz caused by the friction from your pillow.
But, it can also be a double-edged sword, since by following your routine, you might forget that you were going to dye your hair today.
What kind of color treatment were you going to do?
If you were going to do highlights, then washing your hair in the morning won’t cause any problems.
And, if you’re going to get the highlights using the cap technique, it’s actually better that you wash your hair before doing it, since your hair strands will actually slide through the little holes in the cap much easier.
If you’re looking to get a full color service, then it will all depend on how sensitive your scalp is.
If you have a very sensitive scalp, then I recommend waiting until the next day to dye your hair. If you can’t wait – I know we all have emergency situations – use an ammonia-free dye, since it won’t irritate your scalp because it doesn’t have chemicals.
If you’re looking to touch up your roots, then it’s best to wait a day or two.
In this case, especially if you have a sensitive scalp, it’s best to wait to dye your hair. Because, think about it: When you go to touch up your roots, you’ll be using the dye chemicals right on the area of your hair where it grows.
And your scalp will be in direct contact with the chemicals. So, wait two days, that way your hair will be able to produce sebum, which will protect it from the effects of the peroxide and ammonia.
What kinds of hair can you wash in the morning and then dye later in the day
If you wash your hair and you want to know if you can dye it immediately after, then the kind of hair you have will only affect if you can dye it immediate after or not if you’re planning a full color service.
Because, as we saw before, if you are getting highlights, your hair should always be clean, and if you are touching up your roots, then it’s best to wait two days after washing it.
If you have greasy hair, then you can dye your hair the same day you wash it.
The reason is very simple. Greasy scalps are constantly producing sebum, so within a few hours, your hair will already have sebum’s protection and the dye chemicals won’t damage it.
If you also can use an ammonia-free dye, even better.
If your hair is dry, don’t dye your hair after you wash it.
It doesn’t matter if you washed your hair in the morning, an hour ago or five hours ago. You should not wash your hair and dye it in the same day if you have dry hair.
Because this kind of hair takes longer to produce sebum, sometimes even a few days, so if you dye your hair right away, all you’ll end up doing is irritating your scalp.
You should wait 2-3 days to dye your hair, especially if you have a sensitive scalp.
If you’re going to get highlights, if your hair is dry or if you use an ammonia-free dye, then you won’t have any issues if you dye your hair the same day you washed it.
Now, if you washed your hair in the morning and you want to use a permanent dye or you have a sensitive scalp, you can’t dye your hair that same day.
It would be best to two 2-3 days to use the dye.
And now tell me: Can you dye your hair now or should you wait a few days?