How to match the color of your dyed hair – Unifying two colors

How long to wait to correct the color

Do you want to know how you can harmonize your color after dyeing your hair?


Today, I will tell you everything.

Do you know why?


Because daily, I receive complaints from people that dye their hair, and when they rinse out the color, they discover that in their hair, there are two different color streaks.

Sometimes, there are even three different colors.

Or small stains, like if in some places, the dye didn’t penetrate.


I will also take the opportunity to tell you again that just like how those that play with fire get burnt, the person that dyes their hair without knowing much, can end up with a multi-colored mane without meaning to.

Or the worst, with hair that’s been torn to shreds.

But that’s another topic, and I don’t want to go off on a tangent.

Let’s get back to hair dye.


I know that in the moment that you dyed your hair you thought that nothing could go wrong.

After all, on the box of dye, the explanations are pretty clear: mix A plus B, apply, let it sit, and rinse.

But what those boxes of dye don’t tell you is that the dyes don’t have the ability to discern things.

Carina, are you crazy? How can a dye have the capacity to discern things?



The dyes can’t distinguish between the history of each of your head of hairs.

 The dyes don’t know if you have dyed your hair before, if you bleached it or if you did balayage. 

This, also, isn’t figured into the explanations on the boxes of dye.

That’s where the problems come up.

  • And you end up with bi-colored hair.
  • Or spotted.
  • Or with the roots darker and the ends lighter.


I have to acknowledge that the boxes make a lot of promises, with the beautifully composed pictures on the front that promise exotic tones and smooth textures.

But, they hide the small print.


But don’t be afraid.

Today, I’m playing the devil’s advocate, and I Will tell you how you can solve a dye-job that ended up with disastrous results.


That’s why, I will tell you:

  • How to fix that horrible orange color in your hair after dyeing it
  • How to fix your dyed hair with irregular coverage
  • How to fix your hair that didn’t end up how you wanted it


So, stop crying over spilt milk and solve the disastrous results right now after dyeing your hair.

Or don’t do it, and start your hat collection today.


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How to fix that horrible orange color in your hair after dyeing it

That orange color is caused by a color that has too many gold or copper tones.

Combined with hair that has copper tones, these dyes end up with a metallic tone, and frankly, they aren’t very attractive.


Has anyone told you that washing your hair a few times after applying the color helps that orange disappear?



The only thing you will achieve is that the color washes out, but either way, it will continue to be uneven.

Fortunately, there is a simple solution for those metallic tones.


Dye your hair again in about ten days.

 But you should correct the color that you chose by using an ashy color or one with cold tones, mixing it with the chosen dye. 

That way, your color will end up more even. And free of that scary orange.

What would my advice be as devil’s advocate?


If you’ve been dyeing your hair for years, go to a professional.

We are the best at managing color theory in the hair. We are the ones that recognize the past history in the hair when we look at it.

We are the small archeologists looking for fingerprints of the past in your hair history to reconstruct the present of your hair.

Can I confess something?


I loved that last sentence: archaeologists of hair history.

Who would have said that?

Well, let’s leave archaeology and continue with our topic.


How to fix irregular coverage in dyed hair

Let’s see.

If some spots appear in the hair after dyeing it, it can be due to a few things.


  • First, next time use double the amount of dye.

It seems obvious, but hair down to your waist, will need double the amount of dye than hair that goes to your shoulders.

Next time, instead of buying one box, consider buying two.


  • In addition, some hair, because of its structure, absorbs double the amount of dye as others.


  • Also, consider buying dyes especially formulated for covering stubborn grays, or resistant hair.

These dyes are formulated to confront dry, thick and resistant hair, and can offer more moisture and coverage than a standard coloring.

What would my advice be as a devil’s advocate, if despite my proposal, a lot of spots still appear after dyeing?


Well, again, consult a professional.

Because the most probable thing is that you need to bleach your hair. And the best alternative would be a professional.

Because the most probable is that you should bleach the roots with a 10-volume peroxide and in the middle, a twenty-volume peroxide.

Once the hair is bleached, you can apply the new dye.


How to fix hair color that doesn’t end up how you wanted

Bad color results after dyeing happen for a variety of reasons.

The most common reason is incompatibility of the color or the hair type.


For example, extremely dark hair won’t change color if you apply light colors.

And as we saw before, in extremely thick hair, standard dyes don’t cover everything.

If you want to dye dark hair a lighter color, more than two or three tones, you should bleach it.

And after, applying the color that you want.


For me, color will always be synonymous of life. And I love when women dare to make changes. It’s like a declaration of principles and a show of personality.

  • What is hiding behind a heart-stopping brunette?
  • What does that platinum blonde want to say to the world?
  • What does that woman with her hair dyed fantasy colors want to project to the universe?


But it is always better to take certain precautions when it comes time to dye your hair at home.

And if you have been changing your hair color with your own two hands for a long time, my best advice is that you consult a professional.

Because that way you will be sure to get a uniform color over your whole hair.

The rest is trial and error.

And I’m left with just one final question, how many more errors will your hair have to pay for?

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