Does purple shampoo damage hair if you use it too much?

  • Purple shampoo does not damage hair, as long as you use it in the right way, that is, two or three times a week, at most.
  • If you use it more often, you´ll dry out your hair and risk it becoming purple instead of blonde.
  • Also, to prevent your hair from getting dehydrated, it’s always a good idea to choose a purple shampoo that contains ingredients such as keratin or coconut oil, and that is designed for frequent use.


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Purple shampoo is gold for blonde or highlighted hair. But, for it to really be a real treasure,  you should use it sparingly. 

What does this mean?


If you wash your hair every day with purple shampoo, two things can happen:

  • Your hair will have a similar color to purple, far from the blonde you love so much
  • Your hair will dehydrate. If that happens, you’ll notice it’s dry, brittle, and dull


I’m sure you don’t want any of that to happen.

 You must use purple shampoo moderately. You should also know what purple shampoo to use so that it doesn’t dry out your hair.  


You probably use this shampoo to eliminate the unwanted yellow and orange tones that appear in blonde hair after several washes or due to the sun’s effects and other external elements.

But, if you use it every time you wash your hair, even when you’ve already removed those colors, your color will change, and the blonde will turn purple.

It won’t be a radical change, as the violet will be purple, and it won’t be a permanent change either. But it’s not what you want.


So, do you want to know how often you should use the purple shampoo so that it doesn’t damage your hair?

Stay with me, because I’ll tell you:

  • When to use the purple shampoo so that it does not damage your hair
  • The best purple shampoos that protect the hair fiber

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How often to use the purple shampoo so that it doesn’t damage your hair

hair does not look damage

Leaving purple shampoo aside, how often do you wash your hair?

  • Every day?
  • Every other day?
  • Two or three times a week?


If you answered “every day” or “every other day,” you’re on the wrong track, and your hair will get weaker.

It’s not a good idea to wash your hair every day, either with a regular shampoo or a purple one.

If you do, you won’t give your scalp time to produce sebum, which are the natural oils that moisturize and protect your hair. Wet hair is more prone to breakage when you untangle it.


 So, it’s best to wash your hair every two or three days. If you do it every three days, so much, the better. Also, if you’re going to use purple shampoo to wash your hair, it’s best to do it every three days.  

According to the manufacturer, that frequency can change because there are purple shampoos for frequent use and others for moderate use.

Why does this difference exist?


Basically, because of the number of purple pigments they have.

It will not be the same to use a purple shampoo for moderate use every three days than to use one designed for daily washing.

 The more purple pigments the shampoo contains, the more you´ll have to space out your washing to avoid ending up with purple hair. 


Therefore, it is important that you respect the manufacturer’s instructions.

  • If it says it is for frequent use, it means you can apply it 4 to 5 times a week
  • If it says moderate use, you should use it once or twice a week
  • If it says it is for daily use, you can use it every time you wash your hair

What happens if you exceed the washing frequency?


  You can end up with purple hair. If that happens, you´ll have to stop using the purple shampoo and replace it with a sulfate-free, colorless shampoo. 


How to use the purple shampoo so that it doesn´t damage your hair?

I recommend using it twice a week and in the following way:

  • Wet your hair, apply a generous amount of purple shampoo, and massage, forming a lather.
  • Leave in for 3 to 5 minutes and rinse thoroughly.


If you follow these instructions, your hair will not be damaged, and its color won´t change.


The best purple shampoos to protect the hair fiber

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If you wash your hair with the purple shampoo two or three times a week, no unwanted color will appear, and the hair fiber won´t lose moisture.

Now, what features should purple shampoo have in order not to damage your hair?


  • It must be moisturizing. It must contain keratin, coconut, argan, flax, or wheat oil.
  • It must be suitable for all hair types. Remember that if your hair is colored, it is always more prone to damage.
  • If possible, it should be for frequent use because its formula and pigments will be softer.

apply 2 to 3 times a week


Here is a list of the best purple shampoos that won’t damage your hair to help you save time.

  • MATRIX TOTAL RESULTS PURPLE SHAMPOO: it is designed for frequent use and has great moisturizing power.
  • FANOLA NO YELLOW SHAMPOO: weekly application, containing essential oils to protect your hair from wear and tear.
  • JOICO COLOR BALANCE: for any hair type.


My favorite one is JOICO COLOR BALANCE because it provides nutrition, an exquisite fragrance, and you can use it without any risk two or three times a week.



Purple shampoo won´t harm your hair as long as you use it a maximum of two or three times a week.

That way, you´ll avoid weakening and dehydrating the hair fiber and the appearance of purple shades in your hair.

Always choose a purple shampoo with moisturizing ingredients to prevent your hair from becoming rough and dry.

Which of the three purple shampoos above will you choose?

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