Can you leave conditioner in your hair overnight or it can ruin your hair?

sleep with your hair covered

Are you thinking of leaving the conditioner in your hair overnight?

I did it, and I will tell you here what results I got.

I will tell you if it’s a good or a bad idea and why.

The truth is I was desperate.


I didn’t get the conditioners to hydrate my hair enough for it to look healthy.


I admit that how my hair looked was my fault.

For years I applied different dyes without worrying about the effects.

Since trends said that women with straight hair were the true beauty models to follow, I also abused my hair with flat irons and hair dryers.


So, that’s how I was.

Dry hair. Dry like straw.

Split ends.

 Frizz, frizz, it’s true, just like in the cartoons when they put their fingers in the socket, and their hair immediately stands on. 

It was time to do something.


Because I also started to worry about the hair that ended up on the floor of my bathroom every time I brushed my hair.

And that had to be a symptom that something not that great was going on with my hair.

So, the lightbulb went off.


If I needed to hydrate my hair …

If I wanted to improve the look of my hair in general….

I would leave the conditioner on my hair all night long!


After all, conditioners are used to nourish hair.

And if I let it sit on my hair all night long, it would have more time to penetrate to the deepest part of my hair.

I almost started jumping for joy, as my grandmother would say.

Do you want to know what happened when I left the conditioner on my hair overnight?


I’ll tell you here.

But I”ll also tell you:

  • How I used the conditioner in my hair overnight and the results
  • What type of nocturnal nutrition is best according to your hair type
  • The perfect product to leave in your hair overnight

Are you ready?


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What happened when I left the conditioner in my hair overnight

like hair mask

Before telling you my experience, I think that it’s best if I clear something up.

Not all hair is equal.

So, hair products react differently.


It’s like with diets.

For some people, the moon diet works great, while others don’t lose half a kilo.

The Atkins diet can be amazing for some, and others don’t see results at all.

Every organism is different, and hair is part of our body.


So, here, I’ll tell you about my experience.

Which can help other people while it doesn’t help others.

Because if there is something I learned concerning hair is that universal rules don’t exist.


Everything has to do with the type of hair, how we treat it regularly, if it is colored or not, straight or curly, and the level of porosity.

We go from the starting point that my hair is curly, with defined curls, which was super dry with a lot of frizz.


 For two weeks, I applied conditioner to my hair every other night. 

The first week, I applied the conditioner to my wet hair.

to avoid hair friction

I avoided my roots because in the scalp there are oil glands that produce sebum and natural oils.

Because the roots are always more moisturized.

On my wet hair, just towel-dried, I applied the conditioner from the middle to the ends.

And after, I went to bed.


 After a week, I realized that it wasn’t working. 

In addition to staining my sheets, I noticed that many hairs ended up on my pillow.

Plus, it was still frizzy. And my hair didn’t look hydrated.


That’s when I learned that wet hair is more fragile because it loses elasticity.

And when I went to bed and moved my head while I slept, it produced friction against the pillow, which made my hair break.


The second week, I decided to apply the conditioner on my dry hair, and I wrapped it in a shower cap.

After seven days, I noticed that my hair wasn’t sticking to my clothes anymore.

But my hair continued without changes.

And I noticed that my scalp itched like crazy.

The itch was unbearable.

What was I doing wrong?


I started to do some research.

And after reading a lot, I understood what was happening.


 Generic conditioners aren’t made to be left on your hair overnight. 

It’s that simple.


Because many conditioners have a chemical substance called surfactant, and it strips out the natural oils from your hair.

And those substances aren’t meant to be left in your hair for that long of time.

Conditioners are meant to be used together with shampoo.

Together, they are a dynamic duo.


Even though you don’t believe it, it has to do with physics.

Shampoo has a negative charge, which cleans the hair’s dirtiness.

But if you don’t apply something with a positive charge, like conditioners, the hair keeps that negative charge.

Which is what produces frizz.


That’s why you apply conditioner, which has a positive charge and it helps close cuticles.

But conditioners are meant to be used on hair for a maximum of five minutes.

Because they work on the surface of the hair.

That’s why they don’t nourish deeply.

They don’t repair the hair.

Because they work on the external part of the hair stalk.

And what I needed was to penetrate to the hair follicle.

So, what could help me?


Batman, my favorite superhero, didn’t appear, but a product did appear that helped me.

Do you want to know which it was?


Deep conditioner.

A first cousin of the common conditioners, but with other advantages and benefits.


What Deep-conditioner to choose according to your hair type

use once a week

Check deep conditioner price on Amazon


Deep conditioner helps moisturize and strengthen hair, protecting it from breakage and reducing frizz.

Whether you have colored your hair or not, you always need a deep conditioner.

But there are two types of deep conditioners.


  • Deep conditioners with proteins
  • Deep conditioners with moisturizers


Deep conditioners with proteins are used to apply hydrolyzed proteins to the hair and sometimes ceramides.

If you have colored, dry, or broken hair, you should dry a protein deep conditioner.


Deep conditioners with proteins are known as treatments that strengthen weak hair, increasing its elasticity.

But you should only do it once every two months.


 Deep conditioners are used to help reestablish the natural moisture of our hair. 

Its star ingredient is water.

And it can be used once a week.


I had found the answer.

I would use a deep conditioner with proteins every two months and a moisturizing deep conditioner once a week.


How to use a deep conditioner to moisturize your hair

Applying a Deep conditioner will restore the natural oils and prevent breakage and split ends.

After applying a deep conditioner, cover your hair with a moist, warm towel.

Put on a shower cap or a plastic bag.


 This will allow the cuticles of the hair to open, allowing the deep conditioner to penetrate more easily. 

After, wait thirty minutes.

Thirty minutes will make a vital difference to your hair.


Be patient.

Use the time to read a chapter of your favorite erotic novel.

Or to watch the outcome of your favorite series.

Or to call that friend that you haven’t talked to in a while.

If you wait longer than thirty minutes, nothing will happen. Don’t worry.


After, rinse the deep conditioner with cold water to close the cuticles.

After, wash with your usual shampoo and conditioner.


For deep conditioner with protein, you’ll follow the same procedure, using it every two months.

These types of treatments work perfectly for every type of hair.


  • In curly hair, because they are prone to dryness.
  • In damaged hair due to the flat or curling iron, it repairs the cuticle, eliminating frizz and the breakage of hair fibers.
  • Even in normal hair, meaning that those that don’t show any grave symptoms of lack of moisture, a deep conditioner will prevent future damage.


Don’t forget that the sun and natural pollution also take away from your hair’s health.

For those with fine hair, I advise you not to apply a deep conditioner close to your roots.


But I still have a trick up my sleeve.

A trick that I’m sure you will love.


What product you can leave on your hair overnight for complete nutrition

Coconut oil


Just as you hear it.


 When I started this hair care routine to recuperate my hair’s moisture when I incorporated coconut oil. 

Also, coconut oil doesn’t have drawbacks for leaving it in your hair overnight.

You should protect your sheets by wrapping your hair in a shower cap.



  • It’s not good to leave the regular conditioner on your hair overnight.
  • You should use a moisturizing deep conditioner once a week and a deep conditioner with proteins every two months.
  • You should use an overnight mask with coconut oil once a week, maybe even two, without any risk for your hair.


Common conditioners aren’t meant to be used overnight.

Because they aren’t able to nourish the intimate fibers of the hair.


And if you are looking for a night treatment, it’s because you need to hydrate your hair deeply.

For this, it’s necessary to use deep conditioners.

Also, they aren’t uncomfortable because you don’t leave them in your hair overnight.

What changes did I notice in my hair?


First, I don’t ruin my sheets with stains.

I confess that some of my pillowcases ended up practically ruined.


 Beyond that, my hair looks a lot healthier.  

I don’t have split ends, and the frizz only shows up every once in a while, mostly on humid days.


But I am consistent.

It isn’t helpful to apply a deep conditioner once and then forget about the product.

My hair changed and improved.

But because I changed the way that I use the products.

And I use each one for the purpose that they were made.

What hair products do you let sit in your hair overnight?

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