Do you have broken hair on the top of your head? Find the solution here

If you have broken hair on the top of your head, it may be for one of these 3 reasons:

  • Abuses of heat tools (flat irons and blow dryers)
  • You brush your hair when it’s wet
  • You tie your hair with elastic accessories with a lot of tension

heat abuse

Dozens of readers write to me complaining that the hair on the top of their head is brittle, dull and easily broken. What surprises me most is that they don’t even suspect why this is happening to them.

If you have broken hair on top, today we will find together why this happens and, of course, the solution.

What do scientists do in the first stage of any research?



So, the first step in solving the problem is to observe your hair. To make it easier for you, I’ll guide you through a series of questions.





  • Do you bleach or dye your hair very often? If so, do you protect your hair in advance so that chemicals damage it as little as possible?


  • When you go to the beach or do outdoor activities, do you cover your hair to protect it from the sun?



  If you’ve answered all these questions with absolute sincerity, you surely know why your hair is broken on top of your head.  


Broken hair is usually a consequence of poor care, and when the damage is more specific to one area than another, then you need to make some adjustments to your hair routine.

If you do, you can give your hair back the health it lost. However, if you don’t correct what you’re doing wrong, your crown hair will continue to break and, over time, you’ll notice that you have even less hair in that area.

Do you want your hair to look radiant and healthy on top of your head?


Then, stay with me, because I’ll tell you:

  • Why hair breaks more easily at the top of the head
  • How to recover damaged hair on the top of your head

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Why is there more hair breakage on the top of the head?

and the sea water

In the observation stage, we analyze the facts that make hair become more broken on the top of the head.

Now, we’ll see why that breakage occurs in the upper hair fibers.

We’ll start with something for which you bear no responsibility, or at least not 100% responsibility.


  • The sun and environmental pollution make your hair prone to breakage at the top of your head.

Tell me, what part of your face gets pinker when you get too much sun without a sunscreen? Generally, it’s the nose, no matter what size, and the cheeks, because they stick out the most.


With the hair on top, it’s the same. That hair takes the worst of nature elements, namely: sun, wind, rain, smog and free radicals.

How do all these elements influence your hair?


They lift the cuticles of the upper hair fibers, leaving them more porous and more prone to breakage.

 Also, hair that is exposed to the sun, without proper protection, such as a hat or sunscreen, undergoes a chemical and irreversible change. 


Surely you know that sun can damage the skin if you do not protect it, due to the action of UVA and UVB rays. Those UVB rays damage hair with effects somewhat similar to bleaching because the oxidizing rays of the sun modify the components of the hair fiber.


  • Bad choice of hair accessories.

creates tension

If you work in an office, you’ve probably taken one of those rubber bands to tie up your hair more than once. Have you noticed that when you let your hair down, a lot of the hair gets caught in the rubber band?


The reason is simple.

That rubber band should not be used to tie up hair. Very thin, latex rubber bands cut the hair. In addition, most of the time we tie hair on top of the head. So, breakage occurs there.


  • Misuse and abuse of heat tools.

What to use on the hair before ironing

I will never tire of saying that hair dryers and flat irons are not bad. They know no good or bad.

However, if you use them incorrectly, I can assure you that they will damage your hair, almost to the point of burning it.


 You should always use these heating tools at the right temperatures   because, if you use the highest ones, the hair on top of your head will be doomed to breakage.


  • Brushing your hair when it’s wet.

Brushing hair is very important because we must untangle it in order to comb it.

When hair is wet, it has less elasticity. Therefore, it breaks because it does not resist tensions.


  • Bleach or color hair without protecting it.

with gloves

When you color or bleach your hair, you are using chemicals to achieve the goal. It is very important that you protect your hair before, so that it can better tolerate the chemical process.

 If the hair on top of your head is already weak, what you will achieve is that the hair fibers will finally break. 


These are some of the reasons why your hair is more broken on the top of your head. Is there a solution?

Sure, but you’ll have to modify some of your hair routine. Let’s see what it means.


How to avoid hair breakage on top of the head

We’ll start with the topic of hairstyling, which is key to preventing crown hair from breaking.


  • Avoid hair accessories that produce tension.

does not damage hair

This doesn’t mean you can’t get your hair done with a bow, buns or ponytail.

Instead, you should use ponytails or hair bands that are covered with silk.  Those accessories will hold your hair softly and prevent possible breakage. 


You can also hold your hair with a simple, loose braid. If you are more skilled, you can innovate with a beautifully stitched braid, which is a less aggressive alternative for your hair.


Avoid ponytails where you need to twist the rubber band more than twice, as the ideal is to twist it twice. Always be very careful that it doesn’t get too tight.


It is also an option to use claw clips or banana clips, which have small teeth that resemble a comb.

When we place these clips on our hair, we are keeping the hair softly tense, but firm enough without exerting any tension that can cause the hair fiber to break.


Buckles or clips are also tools that can break your hair. So, they should be designed with some soft material or covered by fabric.


  • Use heat tools correctly.

regulate temperature

First, you shouldn’t use your hair dryer or flat iron every day. In addition to causing your hair to break from on top of your head, you will damage the entire surface of the hair fiber, to the point of burning it.

If you are going to use any of these tools, it is better to do so every three days, and always in medium temperatures.


  • Gently brush your hair.

its more fragile

Try to avoid brushing your freshly washed hair because that’s when it’s weakest.

You can always use a styling cream, and untangle it very gently with your fingers. Once your hair is drier, you can use a comb. Make sure it’s wide toothed.


  • Nourish your hair weekly.

How do you take care of your plants? I guess the least you can do is water them. When you water them, the water and nutrients are absorbed by the root.

Something similar happens with hair. If you want it to grow strong, you have to take care of your roots.


 That’s why it’s important that, at least once a week, you do an intensive hydration treatment. 


When you apply the mask, do a small massage on the scalp to stimulate circulation, and nutrients to circulate through the hair follicles.

Nowadays, nutritional hair treatments are not a luxury. You can find very good ones with an excellent quality/price ratio


  • Protect your hair from the sun.

protect keratin from uv rays

When you are outdoors for a long time, protect your hair with a cap or scarf. Remember that your skin is not the only one suffering from the harmful effects of the sun’s rays.



To prevent hair at the top of your head from breaking, it is important that you do not use heat tools in high temperatures and pay attention to how you tie, comb, and untangle your hair.

Protect your hair from the sun and nourish it weekly. You will see that, after a short time, your hair will be stronger and will no longer break easily.

Your hair can get better, but you’ll need to be patient, as it will get stronger as the new hair starts to grow.

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