How to fix bad highlights with toner? What color should you use?

at the hairdresser

  • If you got bad highlights because they are too yellow, you should apply a blue toner to neutralize that unwanted color.
  • If your highlights are too orange, then you should choose a blue toner. Don’t worry. I’ll show you how to do it later.
  • All you have to do is mix the toner with 20 volume developer and control the exposure time.
  • If your highlights look bad because they are too light or too dark, unfortunately, toner is not the solution. In this case, you will need to bleach your hair again, if they are too dark, or apply a new dye if they are too light.


When highlights look bad because unwanted tones appear, it is one of the easiest problems to solve. Don’t despair, because today I’ll show you how to do it.

Why do I say it’s one of the easiest problems to solve?


Because, unfortunately, if your highlights are too dark or too light, the solution is more complicated.

  • If they were dark, they lacked bleaching. Toner is a neutralizing product, not a discoloring one. Therefore, you’ll have to go back to the salon.
  • The same applies if your highlights were too light. In that case, you will have to deposit darker pigments with dye.


  Toner contains pigments that neutralize complimentary colors, but it does not deposit new color pigments on hair fiber. It only neutralizes a shade that is already present in the hair. In this case, it can be yellow or orange.  

Do you want me to tell you the truth?


It’s very common, when you do highlights technique, for these yellow or orange tones appear because hair gets bleached.

The easiest solution is the application of a toner. All you have to do is choose the right color to neutralize the unwanted shade.

  • If your highlights are too yellow, you should apply a purple toner to neutralize the color.
  • If your highlights are too orange, you should apply a blue toner to neutralize the color.


  Toner application is very simple. You just have to control rigorously the exposure time. If you exceed it, your hair will be completely purple or blue.  Also, mix the toner with 20-volume peroxide.

As toner starts working instantly, you’ll notice your hair color changing completely within minutes.


If your highlights are too yellow or too orange, stay with me because I’ll tell you:

  • How to fix very yellow highlights with purple toner
  • How to fix very orange highlights with blue toner


Today you can say goodbye to unwanted shades in your highlights.


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How to fix very yellow highlights with purple toner

As I told you at the beginning, the highlights technique is done by bleaching hair. So, it is common for yellow and orange tones to appear after bleaching.

Why do these tones appear?


Because dyes leave a residue and the bleaching mixture cannot remove it. However, don’t worry, because toner comes to the rescue.

 I always mention the color wheel. On that wheel, yellow is neutralized with purple because that’s its opposite color. Therefore, purple toner will eliminate those unpleasant yellow tones.  


So, the first thing you have to do is get the toner. I recommend that you look for it in salon stores, as it is a tool for professional use.

Once you have the toner and the 20-volume peroxide, start with the application.


  • Comb your hair with a middle part.
  • Mix the toner and the 20-volume peroxide in a plastic container.
  • You can add a few drops of coconut oil if you want to keep your hair moisturized.
  • With gloves on, start applying the mixture in your hair lengths and then at the root. Let the mixture work for 5 to 10 minutes
  • Check your hair constantly. Remember that in a few minutes the tone will change completely.  Don’t ever leave the toner on any longer, because you’ll run the risk of ending up with purple hair. 
  • Once the exposure time is over, rinse your hair with plenty of warm water.


hair color

Now that you have your highlights in the color you’ve always wanted, there’s something else you can use to keep the yellow tones out of your hair.

Do you know what I’m talking about?


 I mean purple or violet shampoo, which you should use every time you wash your hair to replace your usual shampoo. 

This way, you will avoid the yellowish in your highlights again.


Now, if your highlights are orange, you should use a blue toner.


How to fix orange highlights with blue toner

If your highlights are orange, blue toner will completely fix it, because it neutralizes orange tones that appear after bleaching.


The method of application is the same as I explained above for the purple toner, so you will need to mix the toner and the 20-volume peroxide in a plastic container and start applying the toner at the root.

Then, continue with the lengths and ends, which always take longer to absorb the color, and wait 5-10 minutes – never let the toner on any longer!


In this case, so that the orange tones don’t come back,  I recommend that you replace your regular shampoo with a blue one every time you wash your hair. 

Why do I recommend a blue shampoo?


Because toner only has a two-week shelf life. Therefore, if you don’t want to apply toner so frequently, it’s best to use a blue shampoo.



  • If you don’t like your highlights because they look yellow or orange, what you should do is to use a toner.
  • Toner should be purple for yellow highlights, and blue for orange highlights.
  • You should mix the toner with 20-volume peroxide and leave it on for a maximum of 5 to 10 minutes, strictly controlling the exposure time.


If you want the toner to last longer, wash your hair with a shampoo in the same color as the toner you applied to your hair.

Now tell me, what toner will you use to fix your highlights?

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