Toner Turned My Hair Green, how can I fix it?


There’s nothing more frustrating than using a toner to fix a problem and ending up with a much more serious one. Like green hair, for example.

If this happened to you, the first thing to do is not panic. The second is to understand what happened to your hair.

  • If your hair turned green after using toner, you may have left it in longer than recommended or mixed incorrect amounts of toner and developer.
  • Fixing this issue is easier than you might think: simply apply a dye with red tones. In this article, you’ll learn how to choose the right tone for your hair to neutralize the green.
  • After getting rid of the green tones, it’s important to give your hair deep conditioning treatment.


Like any hair product, toner can be a blessing or a curse. It all depends on how you use it. After all, there are no good or bad products, but there are right and wrong ways to use them.

This is especially true of toner.


 Let’s go back for a moment to when you decided to use a toner.’ 

What was your hair like? What did you notice? Let me take a guess.


Have you been dying your hair ash blond for a long time? Grey or ash colors have been trendy recently. Thanks to social media and influencers, the fad appeared and spread like wildfire.

But ash tones take maintenance and a lot of it. The best way to maintain grey hair is to use hair products specifically designed to last longer.


There is everything from special shampoos to conditioners to masks for ash hair.

And there’s also toner, which is a great product but can also be a double-edged sword and must be used correctly.

If you don’t, you’ll end up with green hair.


But before we reveal how to get rid of the green, let’s go over what we’re going to dicuss:

  • Why toner can turn your hair green
  • How to get rid of the green


Did toner turn your hair green? Find out how to fix it in this article.


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Why toner can turn your hair green

You most likely used a toner to neutralize some unwanted tones in your hair, such as those that can appear after bleaching.

That wasn’t where you went wrong. Toners are designed to subdue those unwanted tones.


 Toner comes in multiple colors. The toner to work needs to be the complementary color of the tone you want to cancel out. 


For example, reddish tones are neutralized by a green toner, a blue toner neutralizes orange tones, and a purple toner neutralizes yellow tones.

So let’s say you’ve done everything right so far.

  • You’ve chosen a toner to subdue those unwanted tones.
  • Let’s say you chose a green toner to eliminate unwanted reddish tones.


What went wrong? Why did your hair turn green? There are two possible reason.

  • Excessive exposure time
  • Incorrect amounts of toner and developer


How long did you leave the toner in your hair?

Twenty minutes? Thirty minutes? Fifty Minutes?


 The correct time is thirty minutes. If you leave the toner in longer, the hair absorbs too much green pigment and becomes saturated. 

The result? Green Hair.


Another reason your hair can turn green is an incorrect mix of toner.

For example, Wella, a toner’s popular brand, requires one part of toner to be mixed with 2 parts of 20 volume developer.


 If you mix the wrong proportions or don’t follow the instructions on the bottle, you could get unwanted results, including green hair. 

Each toner is different, so it’s crucial to follow the instructions included with the product.


At this point, you should know why your hair turned green, which is very important because now you know what not to do the next time you use a toner.


Now let’s move on to how to fix it. The solution to your problem lies in the color wheel, where you can find complementary colors, which neutralize each other when used in hair dye.

Since you used a green toner to get rid of the red, what color do you think will eliminate the green?


That’s right! You should use red because green and red cancel each other out.

Of course, you’ll have to use a hair dye, but not just any dye: it’s important to choose one with red tones. We’ll talk about that next.


How to Get Rid of Green Tones With a Red Dye

get rid of green tones

It’s very important to choose the right dye because your hair will still have green tones if you don’t.

Simply choose your normal hair color with a number 6, or red, secondary tone.


Hair numbers have one primary color number before the period and one or two secondary color numbers after the period.

Let’s look at two examples of primary color numbers

  • 5 medium brown
  • 7 blond


To add a secondary color, or tone, add a period and another number. For example:

  • 5.3 medium golden brown
  • 7.1 ash blond

Here we see the same colors with various tones, shown by the number after the period.


 To neutralize your green tones, simply apply your regular hair dye color with a secondary color number of six. 

For example:


  • If you normally use a 7.1 ash blond, try a 7.6 strawberry blond.
  • If your regular color is an 8.1 light ash blond, use an 8.6 light strawberry blond.


 It's very easy to correct green tones: just apply your normal color, with a red tone. 

Then simply apply the hair dye as usual.


Step One: Get your Hair Ready

Carefully comb your hair to make sure it's not tangled, and part it down the center to make it easier to apply the hair dye.


Step Two: Mix the Developer and Dye

With gloves on, mix the entire container of dye with the developer included in the box.

Then stir until it is evenly mixed.


Step Three: Apply the Dye

Start applying the product, working from your roots to the ends, until you've covered all your hair. Then let it process for 30 to 40 minutes.


Step Four: Rinse and Dry

After your hair has processed, rinse it with plenty of warm water.

Once your hair is dry, the green be gone, taking all your misery with it.


After weeks later, I recommend applying a deep conditioning treatment once a week. After all, your hair has been exposed to many products and needs to be nourished and moisturized.



Green toner is a great way to neutralize red tones that sometimes appear after bleaching your hair.

But to make sure you don't end up with green hair, you must follow the recommended exposure time and use the correct amount of developer.

If, for some reason, you leave the toner in too long or don't use it correctly, all you have to do is dye your hair your regular color with a red tone.

Now you can say goodbye to the green and get just the hair color you've dreamed of.

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