Do you still have doubts if you should use Olaplex or Fibreplex?
I’m not surprised.
Most of my clients also have these types of doubts.
And I think that we stylists are the ones that should help people make the best decision.
That’s why, if you are looking to protect your hair during bleaching and after coloring, Olaplex is a product of excellence, and if you want to strengthen your hair damaged from using flat irons, curling irons, and hair dryers, I recommend Fibreplex.
I know that your eyes are probably as round as plates.
Because up to this point, you thought that both Olaplex and Fibreplex were products that worked to protect hair fibers during an aggressive process like bleaching.
And on one hand, that’s true. Both products work for that, but for me, Olaplex, even thoughts it’s more expensive, is more effective.
Basically, because it was the original.
Personally, I think that “Plex” is one of those great advances in hair treatment recently. It’s different from everything that has been done before, so it isn’t comparable to any other hair salon service.
For example, deep conditioning treatments in a salon, also known as penetration treatments are designed to increase the levels of proteins within the hair or seal the layers of the hair cuticle.
This makes it so they look softer and smoother. But the “Plex” products work to protect and repair those disulfuric bonds that keep the structure of the hair together.
- Imagine that the interior of each hair fiber looks like a ladder where both sides are held together by the rungs.
- This is the concept that represents “plex,” to repair those rungs that keep the hair together.
- The rungs or ties of your hair break constantly in various ways.
- Because of the wind, because you tie back your hair all the time, because you use heat sources, and even because you use inappropriate products. Also, obviously, bleaching and coloring products.
- All these factors contribute to the gradual breaking of the bonds in the hair which makes the structure weaker.
- Plex is the process of protecting or repairing those broken bonds.
Olaplex doesn’t just protect the hair during the coloring process and prevent those bonds from breaking, but it also finds old and previously broken bonds and essentially sticks them back together.
That’s why, for me, Olaplex is more effective when it comes to wanting to bleach your hair, one time, to lighten it more than five tones.
Do you have any idea how much your hair suffers when in one day, you want to lighten your hair from dark brown to platinum blonde?
That’s what Olaplex was made for, to counteract those damages.
Do you want to know some more differences between Olaplex and Fibreplex?
Then stay with me, because that way you will be able to make the best decision. And also, you will avoid spending unnecessary money.
That’s why today, I’ll tell you:
- Benefits of Olaplex
- Most important characteristics of Fibreplex
- Experiences using Olaplex and Fibreplex
Benefits of Olaplex
Check Olaplex kit price on Amazon
Until a few years ago, when a client came into the salon asking that we change her hair from dark brown to blonde, my heart stopped for a few moments.
Because I knew what she was going to get afterward.
Two hours of chatting where I tried to make my client realize the damages that would do to her hair.
And I swear. They were a very difficult two hours, where I explained to my clients that going from dark brown to platinum blonde in a matter of hours meant running the risk of hair loss, weakening of the hair fibers and even, scalp lesions.
But that’s a thing of the past.
- Thanks to Olaplex, a true discovery, there are two products and two steps that can be done in the salon.
- Every step contains the main active ingredient, di-aminopropyl di-glycol, which repairs the broken disulfuric bonds, meaning it repairs damaged hair.
The second product also is applied at the salon.
It contains less quantity of the ingredient that I previously mentioned, combined with a variety of conditioning agents and that it is basically a post-coloring conditioning treatment.
Lastly, I advise all my clients to apply step number 3 to their hair, which is a product meant to be used at home.
The first step, generally is applied at the moment that you bleach the hair, while the second step is mixed with the dye.
Olaplex is a more expensive product that the rest of the “plex” products that have come out afterward, but if you are going to bleach your hair from one day to the next, it is best to invest money.
And then, what happens with Fibreplex? Is it a fraud?
Absolutely not!
But I recommend it for other cases. Do you want to know why?
Let me explain it to you.
In what cases should you use Fibreplex?
Many people write me daily asking, “Karina, can you recommend a product for…”
And since I’m one of those that likes to take risks, I comment on the products that based on my experience in my salon, ended up being beneficial.
But, there’s a reality.
Not everyone is created equal, and of course, not everyone’s hair.
That’s why I always clarify that the best, without any doubt, is to ask in person at a salon and maintain a conversation with the stylist so that they make a trustworthy diagnosis of your hair.
Personally, in my salon, I work with the best products. And I work with Olaplex and Fibreplex.
Like I said before, I use Olaplex in the case of drastic changes to hair color.
But when I find myself in front of very, very mistreated hair that needs an internal reconstruction, I recommend Fibreplex to my clients.
Because it is excellent for reconstructing the internal structure of the hair and is cheaper than Olaplex.
Meaning, that for dyed hair which is always submitted to the heat from flat irons and hair dryers, I recommend Fibreplex.
It protects the fibers and strengthens the pH level, so that the hair regains shine and health.
Fibreplex is also a two step process.
- In the first step, you mix 15 ml of water with 5 ml of the Fibreplex liquid and cover the head, letting the mixture sit for twenty minutes, which acts on the most internal part of the hair.
- In the second step, you apply Fibreplex 2, which is has a thick and creamy consistency.
This product seals the external surface of the hair, giving it shine and smoothness, balancing the pH levels to block and protect the color pigments so that they last longer.
You should also let this part of the treatment sit for twenty minutes on the hair.
As you can see, both products are the same in how they are applied.
Meaning, that to decide which is best for you, you should think of your objective.
- If you want to go from a dark hair color to a lighter one, I recommend Olaplex.
- If you want to protect your hair during the application of the dye or nourish it effectively from the inside, Fibreplex works very well for you.
Do you want me to tell you the experience of two of my clients?
Conclusions and experiences using Olaplex and Fibreplex
I still remember the day that one of my most trustworthy clients walked into the salon, telling me that see wanted to completely change her look.
Susana is a 40-year-old woman what wanted to get a more personal look. For years she had had a mahogany hair tone, but now she had decided to go blonde. Platinum blonde.
Thank God that at the time she had decided to make the change, Olaplex had already been born.
It was six hours of work, when in other times it would have taken two months to keep her hair from falling out in chunks.
But when we finished, her face and her hair said it all.
Even though in a matter of hours she had gone through two aggressive chemical processes, bleaching and coloring, her hair looked absolutely healthy.Not only did it look good, but if felt soft to the touch and had no split ends.
Olaplex is an expensive product but it’s worth every penny that you invest if you want to bleach and color your hair in the same day.
Olivia’s case was different.
After many colorings, both at home and at the salon, she came to see me, distraught over the look and feel of her hair.
I decided that for her, the best thing would be Fibreplex, because Olivia didn’t want to bleach her hair. She just wanted to apply the same dye as usual, but fixing the health of her hair.
When I finished drying her hair, it was as if it was someone else’s.
There was no frizz, and I should say that before there was a lot. Those little hairs stood up as if she had stuck her finger in a socket.
In addition, the color looked radiant and shiny.
Even she couldn’t believe that her hair felt so smooth.
As you can see, the two products are similar, however, you can adjust the results according to your needs.
So, tell me: which plex will you use next time? Olaplex or Fibreplex?