Have you heard about the wonders of black tea?
Well, before using it on your hair, you should be careful. It has both benefits and side effects.
- If your hair becomes too dark, you should stop using black tea and remove the tea pigments with a pH-balanced shampoo.
- Other side effects of using black tea on your hair are hair loss, dandruff, and scalp irritation.
- In those cases, you should also stop using black tea. In a few moments, I’ll tell you how to solve each of those side effects.
Organic. Vegan. Natural hair cosmetics. All these terms lead us to the worldwide trend that means leaving chemicals aside in hair care and beauty products.
That is why, from aloe vera to black tea, they have become the stars of natural hair care products. Today, I’m going to focus on black tea. It has many benefits for the hair, but it can also have side effects.
Why is black tea good for hair?
- Black tea contains caffeine and antioxidants that are beneficial to hair health. It promotes hair growth and improves shine and color.
- Many dark-haired people even use it to cover their gray hair.
But beware, because those benefits have another side to them if you don’t use black tea properly.
Therefore, you should be very careful when using it on your hair.
- Do you want to use black tea to control excess oil in your hair?
- Do you want to cover your gray hair with black tea?
- Do you want to strengthen your hair?
Then, read on. You need to know all the side effects of misusing black tea on your hair.
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An important note on using black tea on your hair
Before we continue, I want you to know one thing. Products, both organic and non-organic, are neither good nor bad.
The use you give to them determines the results. If you abuse black tea on your hair, you’ll face side effects.
If you want to avoid them, use black tea on your hair once a week.
Have you abused black tea and see side effects already appearing?
Don’t worry. The solution is just a few minutes away. So, keep reading.
“After applying black tea on my grays, my hair is too dark.”
Many women with black, dark brown, or chestnut hair use black tea to cover their gray because it has dyeing properties.
However, after several months of using black tea to cover grays, the whole hair becomes saturated with dark color. How can you check it?
Because hair is darker in the areas where you’ve applied black tea.
Why does it happen?
Because black tea staining is very persistent in natural hair. Alternatively, it’s almost impossible to apply black tea only to gray hair.
That’s why if you want to color your grays, black tea will also settle on your whole hair.
Do you notice that your hair is very dark in some areas because of black tea?
- The first thing you should do is to stop applying black tea to your hair so as to remove the dark color saturation.
- If you want to speed up the process, wash your hair with pH-balanced shampoo every 48 hours, leaving it on for five minutes.
- When you rinse your hair, the water won’t run clean. It’s the excess black tea that was absorbed by your hair.
- Repeat the process for a week to completely remove the black tea saturation from your hair.
“After applying black tea to control excess oil, my hair is dry.”
Black tea has astringent properties. It helps the oil to dissolve or reduce. However, beware. Abusing black tea to control sebum production on your scalp may unleash other health consequences on your hair.
- Do you notice that your hair is less greasy, but you feel it weaker? For example, does it break when you brush or wash it?
- Have you started to notice dandruff, especially when you wear dark clothes?
- Does your scalp itch?
They’re all black tea side effects. They appeared after abusing black tea rather than after applying it once a week.
Now, who will be able to help you?
Only you. Because the first thing is to stop using black tea to control the oiliness of your hair.
Then, you’ll start an action plan to address each of these issues.
If you notice that your hair is weak and brittle, it’s time to use a good shampoo and conditioner with keratin and protein every time you wash your hair.
It’ll strengthen your hair and stop hair loss due to weakness. You can also apply non-rinse biotin ampoules to your scalp to strengthen the core of your hair.
If dandruff broke into your life because of black tea, you should use a dandruff shampoo and conditioner every time you wash your hair.
You have to choose an anti-dandruff shampoo that contains oils, such as coconut or argan oil, to keep your hair hydrated. Don’t forget that dandruff shampoos contain more sulfates, so they dry out the hair.
If you feel burning or itching on your scalp, you should moisturize it with specific products.
For example, NEUTROGENA has a line for scalp irritation and flaking.
You can also use micellar water every 3 or 4 hours to hydrate. Avoid sun exposure using caps or hats.
“After applying black tea to stop hair loss, hair doesn’t grow.”
Everything in life has a cycle. Hair is no stranger to this law of nature. Have you ever thought about the circle of life and nature?
In autumn, trees lose their leaves because they need to focus all the nutrients in the roots and trunk. So, when spring comes, the leaves come back, green and radiant, to give way to the fruits in the summer.
It’s a cycle of lethargy and pure energy, which also occurs in the hair. There’re times of the year when your hair falls out and others when it grows faster. They’re the phases or life cycles of hair.
If you use black tea to stop your hair from falling out, all you are doing is interrupting those natural life cycles of your hair. You may feel that you have more hair, but it’ll be weak and dry because it’s old hair that has gone through its life cycle.
It’s as if you prevent the plants in your garden from losing their leaves during the winter. Then, in spring, they won’t be able to bloom and renew their energy.
How can you solve this?
- Stop applying black tea to your hair. Hair that doesn’t grow back, is weak, dries out easily, and will quickly become frizzy.
- Trim your ends to remove some of the weak hair, and make it easier for the new cycle to start.
The most well-known side effects of black tea on hair are caused by abusing this natural ingredient.
You have to stop using black tea on your hair immediately. Also, change your hair routine according to the problem in your hair.