Why is my hair so shiny after I dye it? A hairdresser tells you about it

woman with very shiny newly dyed black hair
If your hair is shiny after you dye it, it’s due to some of these reasons:

  • Reason 1: the hair dye molecules not only add color but also shine.
  • Reason 2: most hair dyes contain moisturizing agents that enhance the hair’s natural shine.
  • Reason 3: as your hair is thicker after applying the dye, it reflects more light.


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So, what’s left for me to ask you is:

 Are you happy with your shiny hair after coloring it, or is it too shiny for you? 


Well, if you’re annoyed that your hair is too shiny after coloring, don’t worry.


The shine you dislike will disappear after three or four washes.

Don’t forget that when your hair is freshly colored, it’s full of color molecules that flow throughout the hair fiber.

After a few days, these molecules settle, and the shine is reduced. But don’t panic; the color doesn’t fade.


Now,  if you love your shiny hair after coloring, you can use natural oils or serum to make the color look brighter for longer.  Later, I’ll tell you how to achieve it.

Let’s look at why your hair looks shiny after you dye it.


Why is your hair so shiny after you dye it?

woman shows her shiny dyed hair from behind
One of my clients always tells me, “Alejandra,  I love my hair the first ten days after dyeing it because I love how it shines.” 

And I always reply, “You should love your hair every day, even when it isn’t that shiny”.


Jokes aside, there are some scientific reasons why dyed hair is always shiny..

Shall we start with the first one?


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Your freshly colored hair is shinier because the dye molecules add shine and color

Each dye is different. Some contain more salts, others include more ammonia, and others contain silicones.

Regardless, the coloring process is the same for all dyes. When the hair cuticles are opened, your hair begins to absorb nutrients, moisture, and color.

Even if you previously colored your hair, the new color gives it a shock of color and maximizes shine.


After dyeing, the hair is shinier because the dyes contain moisturizing agents

Nowadays, almost all hair color brands include moisturizing ingredients such as silk extract, keratin, or avocado oil in their formulas.

Also, all dyes are creamy and less damaging to your hair. The creamy consistency added to the moisturizing agents minimizes the damage from ammonia and the developer.

Therefore,  moisturized hair is always shinier hair. 


Your newly colored hair is shinier because it’s thicker and fuller

The color molecules of the dye penetrate the hair fiber and when they are fixed, they increase the thickness of your hair.

And that gives your hair a “3D effect” by reflecting more light than normal. When the dye starts to fade, you won’t notice it as shiny.

The keys to shiny hair are moisture, thickness, and color. Hair color not only adds color to your hair but also moisture and thickness.


How to keep color-treated hair shiny longer

Sulfate-free shampoo for colored hair
When the dye settles about ten days after coloring, the shine will diminish. But, don’t worry. If you wash your hair less frequently and use specific products, you can extend the shine for longer.

So, what I recommend is a sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner because sulfates fade the dye.

You should also wash your hair less frequently and use lukewarm to cold water as much as possible.


Hot water, in turn, opens the hair cuticles, and the color molecules of the dye fade faster.


I also recommend using natural oils such as coconut, argan, or linseed oil to maintain shine.

They add shine and moisture to your hair, which extends the duration of the shiny color.

How should you use oil on your colored hair?

  • Apply a few drops to the lengths and ends two or three times a week.


Finally, don’t abuse heat tools. Every time you flat iron, curl, or blow dry your hair, you take away its moisture. Also, the high temperatures fade your hair’s color and shine.

If you need to flat iron your hair, use a heat protectant to maintain the shine for longer.



Your hair will be shiny after coloring because the dye adds color and shine.

If you dislike very shiny hair, don’t worry. The shine will diminish after three or four washes.

And if you are interested in extending your colored hair shine, wash it less frequently and use sulfate-free products.

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