Can you get a perm on short hair?

permed hair

Do you have short hair and are thinking of getting a perm?


I had the same, amazing idea three months ago!

And it was a good idea.


The change was impressive.

 It was so impressive that my stylist actually asked to take my picture and include it in her portfolio. 


But, to get the kinds of results that will be the object of jealousy of your friends, you have to keep in mind which kind of perm is the best option for short hair.

Can you imagine what your head would look like with little, tiny spirals stuck to your scalp?


I think that would be the living image of Medusa, with the little magic snakes growing from her head instead of hair.

Of course, I didn’t want to be Medusa, but I also didn’t want to end up with ridiculous corkscrews in my hair that would make me look like ET.

Do you remember that little famous alien from the Spielberg movie with the really, really big head?


But, I did need a change in my look.

I’ve been a pre-school teacher for more than 15 years. And, although I love long hair, I decided that it’s better for my profession to have short hair.

Do you know why?


  • First, it saves me time. I get up, I comb it and that’s it, I can run off to work.
  • Secondly, have you ever had an innocent little kid get a half-chewed up hard candy stuck in your hair? No?


I hope it stays that way!

Because you can’t imagine how hard it was to get that frickin’ little candy out of my hair!

And since I eventually had to cut out a 4 in lock from my hair, I decided to get my hair cut into a bob.

But after three years of that style, I got bored of it.


My locks stuck to both sides of my face, sad and limp, drawing even more attention to my angular face.

Sometimes I wore a bandana or headband, but I didn’t feel very comfortable.

 Until I saw a picture on Instagram of a friend that also has short hair that had gotten a perm. 


It ended up looking spectacular on her. So, I asked her for the name and address of the stylist, and one Saturday, I went to get my change of look.

Do you want to give your short hair more life?

Do you want it to have more volume and more movement?


So, don’t give up, and keep reading, because today I’ll tell you about:

  • The two best kinds of perms for short hair.
  • Which cases DON’T make sense for a perm.
  • How much a professional perm should cost if you have short hair


So, make that change and give your hair new life.

There are two kinds of perms that can be viable for short hair.

Can you guess what they are?


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The 2 Best Kinds of Perms for Short Hair

only on the sides

What does a bob and a mid-length cut have in common?



They’re both styles of short hair. But, there is an essential difference between them.

In the case of the bob, your hair doesn’t reach your shoulders. In my case, for example, on the sides, my hair just barely hits my jawline and nape.

With a mid-length cut, your hair touches your shoulders.


 I didn’t want to shorten my bob any more, so I decided with my stylist to only do the perm on the roots. 

You’ve never hard of a root perm?


That’s normal – the first thing that comes to mind when we hear perm is little curls – but what I did has nothing to do with that.

A root perm gives life and volume to your hair, without affecting the side length.


  • Of course, my stylist washed my hair, and softly dried it with a towel.
  • After untangling it, she separated it into four sections and wrapped approximately the first 2 inches of my roots around medium-length rods. She didn’t put any rods in the rest of my hair.
  • Afterward, she applied the perming solution, which took her a long time, since she had to make sure that the product was evenly distributed.
  • Lastly, after applying the perming solution and the neutralizer, the final moment arrived.


The first thing my stylist warned me was: “Don’t get scared, the curls won’t stay so defined!”

I felt a huge relief and as soon as she started to dry and comb my hair. My face was transformed.


But, not like the Incredible Hulk… Nothing like that!

My face filled with happiness and when it was finally over, I felt like a party the size of Carnival, as big as Rio’s Carnival, the biggest party of them all.


She’d done it!

My limp and boring bob had gotten volume and movement, and it didn’t even look any shorter.

The root perm worked. And after 10 days of showing it off, I realized another thing: getting ready didn’t take any more time than before.

So, what happens if you have mid-length hair?


 From my conversation with my stylist, I learned that the best alternative is to get beach waves. 

Because they’ll give you movement and volume without shortening your hair too much.


Now there are a few things that are important to consider besides if your hair is long or short to determine if it is okay to get a perm.

Have you colored your hair recently?


If so, keep reading because if you do decide to get a perm, you might ruin your hair forever.


When shouldn’t you get a perm?

stylize the face

New perming techniques make getting curls easier and more natural-looking, and those loose waves aren’t just beautiful but also easy to take care off.

But we shouldn’t forget something very important: chemical products are used in the process, and although they’re better than the ones used in the 80s, they’re still chemicals.

 That’s why your hair needs to be very healthy.  


  • If you color it, don’t get a perm.
  • Don’t get one if you’ve bleached your hair either.
  • And if you have split ends, get them cut. That will make sure that the capillary fibers aren’t damaged any further.


 You should also make sure that the stylist that does your perm knows how to do it. Ask about their experience with past clients and, if possible, ask them for photos of their work. 

And bring pictures of what you’re looking for because a picture is worth a thousand words.


You should also be open to their recommendations, because in the end, they’re the specialist. Maybe you want to get well-defined curls, but if you have a layered haircut, you’ll probably end up looking like a poodle.

Listen to their suggestions, because they’re the one that knows.

And if you think that they aren’t understanding what you’re looking for with your short hair, seek out another stylist.


How much should a perm for short hair cost?

When we talk about price, you should keep in mind that there’s no set price.


 Everything will depend on the salon. It will also depend on the stylist’s experience. Because in many salons, they give students a chance to gain experience. 

But, be careful, because what’s cheap ends up expensive in the end. And you only have one head of hair.

It’s worth paying more and keeping your hair healthy.


  • For me, when I went to a good salon with an experienced stylist, a perm for my bob cost 150 dollars.
  • And with mid-length hair, at the same salon, it might cost 200 dollars.


But you should always keep in mind one more thing. After getting your perm, which lasts approximately six months, if you still like it, you should get the perm done again.

And you should also invest a few extra dollars in protein treatments because it’s hard for curly hair to retain moisture.


Now you know what the two best kinds of perms for curly hair are.

And you, which one did you decide to get? A root perm or beach waves?


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