What Happens if You Cut your Hair in a Ponytail? Don’t do it before reading this

  • Cutting your hair into a ponytail is a very bad idea. The only thing you will get is a messy cut, without any kind of shape from an aesthetic point of view. That means you’ll get a really awful badly-layered cut.
  • The only haircuts you should be making yourself are trimming your ends or your middle-part bangs. You should have a professional making any other kind of haircuts.
  • When you cut your hair wrong, using the wrong kind of elements, such as any kind of scissors, you damage the hair fiber. With damage, comes breakage.


didn't look good

If there is one thing that will never cease to amaze me, in most cases pleasantly, is human creativity and ingenuity.

 I’ve just seen a lot of videos on YouTube of people who claim and reaffirm that cutting hair in a ponytail gives impressive results. 

Please, don’t believe it. Use your creativity and ingenuity for more productive things. If you don’t, you’ll not only ruin the shape of your haircut, but you’ll also hurt your hair fiber.


The elements that we, stylists, use, such as scissors or razors, are only used to cut hair. So, if you were thinking about cutting your hair using that all-purpose scissors, you can start forgetting about it.

The scissors you use to cut your hair should be sharp enough not to snag the hair fiber and damage it.


  Also, if you cut your hair into a ponytail, the result will be a rather ugly and untidy cut. You wouldn’t know exactly how high you should do it so that it will leave a nice strand. 

Do you like playing with fire?


Go ahead, cut your hair into a ponytail, and resign yourself to not being able to look at yourself in the mirror for at least three months.

If you want to experiment with your hair, you can try other less risky alternatives, such as a shoulder-length bob, changing your hair tone, or trimming your bangs.

Does that little innovator voice inside you keep whispering in your ear that it’s a good idea to cut your hair in a ponytail?


Read on, and draw your own conclusions, because today I’ll tell you:

  • Why you shouldn’t cut your hair in a ponytail.
  • What haircuts you can safely make yourself


Let the voice of conscience speak for you today.

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Why you shouldn’t cut your hair in a ponytail

hair mistakes

I’ll say it clearly and loudly once more.

Don’t cut your hair in a ponytail.

Banish from your life those neon-titled tutorials like “super easy ponytail haircut” or “cut your hair with shaggy bangs in a very simple way” because they’re not true and they’ll ruin your hair.


 If everyone could cut their hair simply with a ponytail, what would become of the stylists? What would be the point of studying the shapes and contours of the face, the symmetries, the different tones, and undertones?  


If everything were so easy, hairdressers would disappear. As it is not that easy, here we are. Many times, as a last resort to solve the experiments that many women do at home.

However, sometimes, even experience and knowledge can’t fix the mess. Because the only option left is to cut much more hair than the client would like.


I remember one of my clients, Maria, who came to the salon last time, to get her home cut fixed.

She had followed exactly the instructions from the YouTube tutorial: “First, make a tall, very tall ponytail. Then take the scissors, and cut.”



Her long, full hair had been transformed into an endless staircase with thousands of super-layered steps. In fact, what she was looking for was a beautiful shaggy cut.

The only solution was to cut and polish those layers, taking out a lot of hair. Luckily, we were able to save some of the hair lengths, and tidy up her hair, with a shoulder-length bob cut.


Imagine Mary’s tears, because she had to settle for a shoulder bob when all she wanted was a long shaggy cut.

Do you want to know what kind of cuts you can do at home without taking any risks?


What haircuts you can safely make yourself

with scissors

A super easy option that you can implement at home is to trim your ends. However, you’ll have to ask a friend to help you, to make sure everything goes smoothly. And here’s a step-by-step guide.


Trimming your ends

  • Wash your hair, making sure to untangle it completely.
  • Comb your hair with a parting in the middle, pulling all your hair back, so that all your hair rests on your back.
  • Ask your friend to comb and style your hair so that it is well extended and flat.
  • Now, lower your head, looking down. Once your chin reaches almost to your collarbone, your friend can start trimming your ends.

Looking down is critical, because, once the hair is completely dry, the ends will not curl outwards.


Trimming your bangs with a middle-part

This style of bangs is easy to achieve, as it is used significantly longer than any other fringe.

  • Separate the strands that will become your future bangs. To do this, comb your hair with a parting in the middle. Then, place the tail of the comb two fingers inward. Then, draw a line in the direction of your eyebrows, from one side to the other. You’ll notice that a hair triangle has formed – that will be your future bangs.
  • Watch your hair. If you have very pronounced swirls in your forehead, leave your bangs much longer, so that, when the hair dries, it won’t be too short.
  • Gather all the hair you have separated, placing it close to your nose, and cut it at that height.
  • Dry it by pulling all the bangs to one side and the other side.



Cutting hair in a ponytail is not a good idea because you risk ending up with a badly layered, uneven, and untidy cut. Besides, if you don’t use the specific tools, you can damage the hair fiber.

The only safe cuts to make at home are to trim the ends or to cut your bangs with a middle part.

Now tell me, do you still think it’s a good idea to cut your hair in a ponytail?

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