Does L’Oréal HiColor damage the hair? More or less than bleaching?

applying dye to already colored hair

  • Although HiColor is less damaging to the hair than bleaching, you must have RESPECT for it. It’s a permanent hair dye that is applied with a 30 and 40-volume developer. On the contrary, most permanent hair dyes are applied with a 20-volume developer.
  • If you’ve been coloring your hair for a long time, you probably noticed that the 20-volume developer is aggressive to the hair.
  • Now do your own math. If a 20-volume developer dehydrates your hair, imagine a 30 or 40-volume developer!


I don’t know what you mean by damage.  If you want to know if your hair will remain the same after using L’Oréal HiColor, the answer is no. 


Your hair will never be the same because this hair dye is applied with a 30 or 40-volume developer.

The powerful chemical reaction will take away moisture from your hair. Therefore, your hair will most likely feel drier and coarser.


 Of course, if we compare HiColor hair color with bleaching, things don’t even out. L’Oréal damages the hair less than bleaching. 


And it all comes down to chemistry. During bleaching, two very aggressive chemicals are applied to the hair. They’re ammonia or bleach powder and the 30-volume developer or peroxide.

If you apply HiColor, you’ll only use one of these two chemicals, the 30-volume developer.

So the damage is significantly less. Also, the damage that HiColor hair dye can cause is easier to reverse than a bleaching process.

So, here comes the million-dollar question.

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If HiColor damages hair less than bleaching, why do hundreds and hundreds of people continue to bleach their hair every day and exposing it to aggression?

Although HiColor is powerfully lightening, it’s not always enough in some cases.

For example, if your hair is black and you want to go platinum blonde, it’ll be impossible with HiColor. At most, you’ll go dark blonde.


So, HiColor allows you to change your hair color. The change will be very noticeable, and you’ll be able to avoid several bleaching sessions.

But just as you can’t ask for pears from an elm tree, HiColor can’t change your hair from black to platinum blonde in a single application.


If you want to lighten your hair a few shades, HiColor will damage your hair less than bleaching.

That goes without saying. It contains very strong pigments and is also applied with a 30 or 40-volume developer according to the new shade you want to wear.


Do you want to know if you can avoid bleaching and use HiColor?

hairdresser applying color with gloves

Let’s look at it simply.

  • If your hair is Black 1, Dark Brown 3, or Brown 4, you can use HiColor to achieve medium, red, or dark blonde tones.
  • If your hair is Dark Blonde 6, Blonde 7, or Light Blonde 8, you can use HiColor to achieve the higher blonde shades without bleaching your hair.


Remember that HiColor blonde shades are applied with a 40-volume developer for best results.

 In that case, your hair should be as strong as Popeye when he eats spinach.  Otherwise, if it’s brittle or weak, HiColor will damage it even more.

If so, you’ll need to start a moisturizing routine to repair and prepare your hair for HiColor application.


How to restore ruined hair before using HiColor to avoid further damage

Restoring moisture to damaged hair is essential before applying HiColor. That way, HiColor won’t damage your hair more, and you can avoid frizz and breakage.


I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking about the money and that you’ll have to spend a fortune on hair products.

However, I promise you that’s not the case.  And besides, I guarantee you’ll spend twice as much money if your hair is ruined by using HiColor. 


Let’s start with the easy products.

I’m sure you have them in your house. If you don’t, you can get them for less than $8 or $10.


Use it every three days on lengths and ends. Leave it to act for 2 to 4 hours, and finally rinse.


If you have an aloe vera plant at home, cut off the top of the leaf and remove the gel inside. Apply the gel twice a week as a mask, from roots to ends. Leave it on for at least 60 minutes. Rinse your hair with lukewarm, almost cold water. Let it air dry.


 How long should you follow this routine before applying HiColor? At least two weeks.  Then, your hair will be stronger and more nourished to withstand the HiColor coloring process.


You’ll need to bleach your hair in other situations too.

Do you want to know what they are?

Read on.


When to bleach your hair, even if it’s more aggressive than using HiColor

to maintain the heat

Balayage, fantasy colors, and white hair have become trendy.


If you’re thinking about a change of look that includes balayage, fantasy colors, or highlights, you should bleach your hair. Why?

  • Balayage is a natural fading technique that allows you to bleach different areas of your hair.
  • Fantasy colors should be applied on almost white-colored bases.


 My advice is to go to the salon to have a colorist evaluate the condition of your hair.  They’ll make sure your hair will withstand bleaching.

Also, some products can be used during bleaching to prevent damage.


use for coloring hair

Some examples are:

  • Olaplex

Olaplex 1 and 2 are mixed with bleaching and coloring elements to protect your hair during the process.

Afterward, you can use Olaplex 3 once or twice a week at home.


  • Smartbond

Both stages 1 and 2 are for professional use only. Like Olaplex, they integrate with the bleaching and subsequent coloring elements to repair your hair from the core.


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Everything you do to your hair will have consequences. They’ll be more or less serious depending on the products you use and your hair’s health.

Sometimes, depending on what you’re looking for, it’s better to have your hair bleached by a professional than to risk using HiColor and damaging your hair.

It’s all about common sense if the health of your hair is at stake. That’s where you should make your decision.

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