3 ways to remove black hair dye: remover, naturally and hydrogen peroxide

Do you want to know how to get rid of that black dye from your hair?


First and foremost, allow me to tell you that getting rid of black dye from your hair is not easy.

Even for the most advanced stylists, it is a really complicated task. And if you get it wrong and do something wrong, your hair could suffer irreversible damages.


 The truth is that when I dyed my hair black, I didn’t ihnk for a minute that I when I got tired of that color, it would be so difficult for me to get rid of it. 

But finally, I ended up getting tired with my dark hair and I wanted to try another, lighter color, just as summer was approaching.

What I didn’t know was that it was difficult to get rid of the layers and layers of black dye that I had in my hair.


My first tries were fairly innocent.

Somewhere, I had read that using an anti-dandruff shampoo would help eliminate the black dye after for or five washes.

Can you imagine the results I got?

Did I lighten my hair or not?


Of course not!

 The only thing I was able to do was leave my hair looking like straw.  

Not only did my hair continue being dark, but now it looked absolutely dry and ruined too.

Someone told me something about using warm olive oil.

Bingo!, I thought.

I would kill two birds with one stone: eliminate the black dye from my hair and moisturize and repair it.


But the second disappointment of my life came. Or at least, half of a disappointment.

Because I got my hair looking and feeling more hydrated, but the black color was still there.


So I decided that it was time to take the bull by the horns.

And for this, I decided to use a color remover.

Do you want to know what the results were?


I’ll tell you.

But also, I will tell you:

  • How to eliminate the black dye with remover
  • 2 other effective options to get rid of the black color in your hair
  • If you can eliminate the color with hydrogen peroxide


Are you prepared to get rid of the black in your hair forever?


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How to eliminate the black dye using a remover

ammonia and bleach free

Check color remover price on Amazon


Using a color remover kit is much more economical than visiting a stylist to get rid of the color with bleaching.

You should just pay special attention to how to do it and be very strict about the exposure times.

Because, in the end, the removers use some pretty strong chemicals.

Do you have any idea how a color remover works?


Most color removers simply destroy the dye molecules.

They aren’t as damaging as a bleaching treatment, but you can still damage your hair, so I don’t recommend using them excessively.

Now, I should make something clear.


 A color remover will not restore your hair to its original tone. It’s more probable that your hair will end up a light orange color. 

But remember, that the objective here is to simply get rid of the black dye so that after, you can dye your hair the tone that you want.


There are many different types of color removers, but try to choose one that is really good, even though you’ll have to pay a bit more for it.

I recommend that before applying the remover to your hair, you cut of a few centimeters from your ends, because it’s especially hard to get rid of black dye from the ends of your hair.


How to use a color remover step by step

remove color from hair

Before starting to apply the remover in your black hair, prepare all the materials.

Just like when you dye your hair, you will need:


  • A pair of gloves
  • A towel to protect your shoulders
  • And a brush


And here we go, the step by step:

  • Apply a hydrating cream to your temples to prevent the remover from coming into contact with your skin.
  • Mix the ingredients of the remover kit according to the instructions that come in the package.
  • Divide your hair into small sections and start working. With gloves one, start to distribute the remover in your hair.
  • I suggest that you apply it from the lower sections to the upper sections.
  • Once you finish applying the remover, apply a shower cap to your head and wait for the time that is indicated in the product instructions.
  • Once that time has passed, rinse your hair abundantly with warm water and then wash with a shampoo.
  • If necessary, wash your hair two times to be sure you’ve completely eliminated the residue of the remover.


When I finished applying the remover and I rinsed my hair, the results were what I wanted: the black had disappeared.

But, I noticed two things: my hair looked a bit orange, and it felt dry.


So I made a decision, based on my own judgements, which was the most intelligent.

I decided to wait a month to dye my hair and get a uniform color.

I took advantage during that month to nourish my hair, once a month doing a deep-hydration treatment with coconut oil.


Are you afraid of using a color remover?

Well, there is a more natural method to get rid of the black dye from your hair.


Although, I have to be completely honest with you.

Natural isn’t always synonymous with healthy.

A lot of people lie when they say that the method I will tell you about below is a natural and healthy method.

But why lie?


Because unfortunately to eliminate the black color molecules of the dye, you need to use some type of abrasive, that is, an acid.

And that is always, always damaging to your hair, leaving it dryer.


2 Natural Methods, although, not very healthy, to eliminate the dye

Here, I’m talking about using baking soda and dish detergent.

Both together?


NO! Of course not.

They are two possible solutions.


Baking soda to get rid of the black dye

To use this simple method, you should add baking soda to your shampoo and wash your hair as always.

  • In a cup of coffee, apply three tablespoons of shampoo and one tablespoon of baking soda.
  • Wash your hair and let the mixture set for five minutes.
  • After, rinse your hair abundantly with warm water.


You’ll probably have to repeat the procedure four or five times, and after each one, condition your hair deeply.


Dish detergent to eliminate the dye

Some people mix detergent with baking soda.

 I personally do not recommend this because you can ruin your hair irreversibly.  


Now, what you can do is wash your hair with dish detergent up to three times a week.

After a month, you will have stripped out the black dye and lightened the color of your hair up to three tones at least.


Of course, this isn’t an immediate solution, but is a fairly economical one.


Getting rid of black dye with hydrogen peroxide

remove the color with hydrogen peroxide

Really, as we can see up to now, none of the methods are 100% organic and natural to eliminate the black dye from our hair.

And hydrogen peroxide is no exception.


I advise that you do a strand test first so that you can evaluate the exposure time and measure up to what tone you want to lighten your hair.


  • Soak a piece of cotton in hydrogen peroxide and pass it over a piece of hair to test it.
  • See how your hair reacts to the hydrogen peroxide for at least a half-hour.
  • If after a half hour, you get the color that you want after eliminating the black dye, it’s time to let the hydrogen peroxide act on your whole head.
  • If you want your hair lighter, let the hydrogen peroxide sit for longer on the black dye.



You can never be sure of anything until you try it yourself in your hair.

Black dye is definitely difficult to get out, and in honor of the truth, all the most effective methods for getting rid of black dye are also potentially damaging.


  • Everything comes down to if you can’t put up with your black tone and you want to get rid of it as soon as possible, you can use a color remover or even bleach it with hydrogen peroxide.
  • Or you can be more patient and eliminate the dye gradually with a mixture of shampoo and baking soda.


The decision is yours.

After applying the remover, I waited until my hair was strong and healthy enough to apply a lighter color.

And I still haven’t lost my hair.


What method would you choose to eliminate the black in your hair?

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