Can You Leave Coconut Oil in Your Hair Overnight? Hair sleeping mask

hair mask coconut oil overnight

I acknowledge it.

I have a love-hate relationship with my hair.

Actually, I should say, “I had a love-hate relationship with my hair.”

That ended when my stylist recommended that I start leaving coconut oil in my hair overnight. 


Yes, my eyes popped out of their sockets like in the cartoons.

But… stylists know.

And just like every teacher has their book, I decided to follow their instructions.


After all, I was tired of feeling like my hair was glorious one day, and the next, it was the bane of my existence.

Even on its best days, it was far from the exuberant, shiny, manageable, and healthy hair that I longed to have.


 Up until that moment, I had tried almost all the hair care trends that appeared here and there in the name of science and experimentation. 

Even so, I was far from the solution I was looking for.


When she insisted, I felt like I had nothing to looks. At best, I would upload my misadventures to Facebook and find a new way to make my hair beautiful.

That afternoon, I left the salon with a new goal in life.


I should clarify that Virgos are unwavering when it comes to meeting our goals.

That same night, I would leave coconut oil on my hair overnight, and the next morning, I would have a verdict.

Do you want to know what happened when I left the oil on all night?


What I found in the morning was incredible.

Almost a miracle.


I’ll tell you about it now.

First, let me tell you how I prepared myself for what would be one of the most critical challenges of my life, well, maybe I’m exaggerating a bit.

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How to prepare your hair to leave coconut oil on all night?

ideas and tips to use it

I left the salon, promising my stylist that I would listen to her.

I ran off to buy coconut oil. Attention: not just any coconut oil.

It should be 100% organic, so says my hairdresser.


After all, if you want the best results, you have to use the best products with the best ingredients.

And believe me, after spending all night with coconut oil on my head, you will want the best.

Also, to my surprise, it wasn’t that expensive.


Once home, I just had to warm up the product, since coconut oil has a solid consistency.

I took it between my fingers, and simply with my body heat, the oil became a similar consistency to that of olive oil.


With dry hair, this is very important,  your hair should be dry so that the oil can better penetrate the hair, start to spread the product from your roots to the ends.  

When you finish applying all the oil to your hair, it will feel wet.

The only thing left to do now is to put on a shower cap, wrapping up all of your hair, go to bed and dream of shiny, majestic hair.


The next morning, I’m sure you’ll jump in the shower like I did.

I washed my hair twice with shampoo to get rid of all the oil residue and let my hair air-dry.

The results stood out.

My hair looked shinier, softer, and tamer than ever.

Benefits of letting coconut sit in your hair all night long

leave it all night long

Check coconut oil price on Amazon


Coconut oil has a lot of benefits for your hair care, but when you let it sit all night long, the power of those benefits increases.

You may ask why.

Here are the reasons.

  • It has proteins that other oils don’t have.
  • Its molecular weight is less, which makes it much easier for it to penetrate the hair fibers, passing through the cuticle, and sealing the hair to retain moisture. This strengthens the hair, making it more resistant.
  • It prevents dandruff because of its moisturizing properties.
  • Its antibacterial properties prevent pimples from forming on the scalp.
  • It contains vitamins E and K, which strengthen the hair strands, preventing the loss of proteins. That’s what makes your hair so shiny.
  • It repairs split ends.

If you have dehydrated hair,   use this Deep treatment with coconut oil for at least one week. 

This advice is also good for hair damaged by chemicals from bleach and hair dye.


2 Great Ideas for Using Coconut Oil on your Hair

does not change the color of dyed hair

I told you.

Virgos are unstoppable when we set out to do something. And I wanted to turn myself into the encyclopedia of coconut oil.

That’s why I kept investigating the properties of coconut oil, and here I’ll share with you what I found.


  • As a treatment to stimulate hair growth

Do you have fragile hair that falls out easily? Do you want to stimulate your hair’s growth?  Two or three times a week, massage your scalp with a few drops of coconut oil for approximately ten minutes. Once you finish, put on a shower cap and let the oil sit for twenty minutes. After that, simply rinse.


  • Get rid of frizz the natural way

We all hate those rebellious hairs that bristle up without control, the famous frizz. Coconut oil can help you control them. Simply place a bit of oil in the palm of your hands, massage for a few minutes and apply it from your roots to your ends. Use just a little bit, to give a final touch to your hairstyle.


All that’s left to tell you is that when I went back to visit my hairdresser the next month, the first thing that she cried out when she saw me was:

  • Your hair looks phenomenal! Have you been using coconut oil?

You can’t trick the excellent stylists. I thanked her and told her that I had adopted it as a deep hair treatment to use at least two times a month.

And my hair changed.

And I changed.

Now I’m an unbreakable Virgo with hair more beautiful than I could have dreamed.

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