Can you tone your hair months after bleaching? A hairdresser explains two ways to do it

bleached hair woman holds monthly calendar

  • You can tone your hair either the same day you bleach it, or a week or even several months later.
  • To tone your hair months after bleaching, you can use a homemade toner such as Wella or a toning shampoo.
  • If you have no experience in coloring, or months after applying bleach if your hair is still damaged and dry, I suggest you use a toning shampoo.


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 Of course you can tone your hair months after bleaching!  And that’s a blessing, both for you and for all colorists and those who bleach their hair all the time.


Because after bleaching your hair several things can happen:

  • Your hair may be left with some harsh colors, but since you don’t have experience in coloring, you don’t know you can apply a toner immediately after bleaching it. And then, for a few months, you wear your hair up, with orange or yellowish tones until something makes you think. You realize it’s no good to have rusty hair.
  • It’s also possible that although your hair might turn out with even, smooth color after bleaching, after two or three months of washing, those harsh colors might start to appear.

And here you are. Months after bleaching your hair, trying to find a solution. But is there such a solution? Of course there is. The solution is to tone your hair. And here are two easy ways to do it.


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How to tone your hair months after bleaching it

placing toner in plastic container

 The truth is that you can use toner at any time after bleaching your hair. 


Because toner is also among the products you should use to maintain even color in bleached hair, without any harsh colors.

So whether you apply it two weeks or three months after bleaching your hair, it will always be a good choice.

Now, I have a special recommendation.


Toner is a professional tool. It contains ammonia and you apply it with developer. Therefore,  if you don’t have much experience in coloring, or if your bleached hair is damaged , my advice is to go to a salon.

Why? Toner can completely change the color of your bleached hair. So if you don’t choose the right toner color or you leave it on your bleached hair longer than the manufacturer recommends, you could go from orange hair to purple hair.

And then, to fix your overtoned hair, you would have to use a clarifying shampoo. This would take away more hydration and nutrients from your hair.

woman uses purple shampoo months after bleaching her hair

Therefore, for you, I recommend you use a toning shampoo to tone your hair months after you’ve bleached it.

Depending on the brand you choose, you can use it up to twice a week. Replace your usual shampoo with it, leaving it on for three to five minutes.

What color should you use?


  • If you want to neutralize yellow, the shampoo should be violet.
  • If you want to neutralize orange, the shampoo should be blue.
  • If you want to neutralize green, the shampoo should be red.


Toning shampoo doesn’t contain ammonia and you don’t apply it with developer. So it won’t deprive your bleached hair of as much moisture and nutrients than toner would.


 If you have experience in coloring, i.e. you color your hair frequently or have even successfully bleached your hair on your own , I recommend you use Wella’s home toner line. For example,you could choose Wella T14, Wella T18, Wella T10 or Wella T28, depending on the color you want to neutralize in your bleached hair.



You can tone hair both immediately and several months after bleaching. And you can use either a toner or a toning shampoo, depending on your experience level and the health of your hair.

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